Baptism Service

On Sunday 16 February the English Ministry will have a Baptism Service. In total 6 brothers and sisters are getting baptized in that service. We also have 1 brother becoming a church member of our congregation. You are invited to witness this important moment in their faith journey, to praise God for His wonderful work in our lives.

Monthly Prayer Meetings

On Saturday 18 January is the monthly prayer meeting of our congregation. All are invited to come and pray together. Join us at 16:00 in room 502, HoG.

If you have any prayer request, please contact minister Kam Yin.

To encourage our congregation to come together and pray for our ministries, we also have a prayer meeting on the Sunday morning 9:00-9:30, following our monthly Prayer Meeting. Join us next Sunday 19 January to pray before the service in room 501.

Passing Offering Bags

Next Sunday 12 March we will resume passing the offering bags in the worship service. This is not about what we give financially. In this part of the liturgy, we want to express our attitude of offering to God what He has given to us, and allow room for bringing the offering physically. Please do not feel obliged to put money in, just because of the passing bag. Let our worshipful heart regulates our hands.

New Start

Starting from today 5th Feb, we will have refreshments after the service!

Anyone who is willing to prepare simple snacks for Sunday mornings, please contact Wendy Ip to coordinate it.

New Fellowship Group for Brothers

With God Father’s gracious love, HKBC English Congregation has been established since 2016.  While the congregation is blessed to have different activities to cater for various groups of members, including the young teens, youth, gospel seekers, new believers etc, time has come to start a  Fellowship focus on the spiritual and support for brothers.

Romans Chapter 12: 2 said “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.  “

The good news is that we can achieve the above with encouragement and by leveraging the strengths of the others.  Romans 12:4-5 “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”

Brother fellowship is designed for brothers who have begun his working life and beyond.  Brothers in the congregation are all invited to join.  The first meeting of the Brother fellowship will start in March 2022.  Details will be made available in the next one to two weeks. 

Meanwhile, if you have any questions, please contact Minister Xander.

Hong Kong Baptist Church – Weather Alerts

Worship, Cell Group and meetings

Typhoon signal no.8 or above and Black Rainstorm Warnings

Situation: In force 2 hours before meeting or to be in force during meeting

Policy: All meetings cancelled.

Situation: Issued during meeting


Typhoon signal no.8 or above ~ All meetings cancelled

Black Rainstorm Warnings ~ Meetings will continue and recommend participants to wait for better weather before leaving church.

Situation: Dismiss 2 hours before meeting

Policy: Meetings take place as usual.

For Elder and Outdoors Children Activities

Typhoon signal no.3 and Red Rainstorm Warnings

Situation: In force 2 hours before activities or to be in force during activities

Policy: All activities cancelled.

Situation: In force during meeting


Typhoon signal no.3 or above:

Activities will continue and recommend participants to back home once the activities finished.

Red Rainstorm Warnings:

Activities will continue and recommend participants to stay and wait for better weather

Situation: Dismiss 2 hours before activities